Monthly Archives: August 2013

Give Everyone a Chance | For Canada’s Future

United Steelworkers call for overhaul to temporary foreign worker program

The largest private sector union in Canada and North America is calling on the Canadian government to overhaul the temporary foreign worker program (TFWP), with a focus on fair treatment and proper training for workers. iPolitics reporter Michelle Zilio talks to USW National Director Ken Neumann about the Give Everyone A Chance campaign and the problems with the TFWP.

via Give Everyone a Chance | For Canada’s Future


Migrant workers in Canada exploited because of restricted mobility: new report

They work jobs that could otherwise be done by Canadians and permanent residents but they don’t have the same labour mobility as citizens and landed immigrants.

Temporary foreign workers are tied to specific employers, and that’s the reason why many of them are cheated and abused, according to a report titled Access to Justice for Migrant Workers in B.C.

“The idea of ‘unfree’ workers, which perpetuates precariousness, has been linked to the erosion of labor standards in the workforce and some academics have opined that it has caused the clustering of migrant workers in particular industries where enforcement of employment standards is a particular problem,” states the report prepared by the West Coast Domestic Workers’ Association.

Migrant workers in Canada exploited because of restricted mobility: new report.


Travailleurs étrangers : Ottawa exige 275 $ par poste aux employeurs

Il en coûtera désormais plus cher aux employeurs qui souhaitent procéder à l’embauche de travailleurs étrangers temporaires, en vertu d’une réforme dont le gouvernement fédéral a précisé les détails, mercredi.

Lots of progress needed in area of farm safety – Winnipeg Free Press

Lots of progress needed in area of farm safety – Winnipeg Free Press